Dog & Bitch of the Year Competition

Competition rules

The following titles are being competed for:
The most successful dog of the breed / The most successful bitch of the breed / TOP DOG of the year – regardless of gender and breed (Slovak members of the KTP),
The most successful foreign individual (all breeds regardless of gender owned by foreign members)


You can register your dog for the competition until January 31st of the following year using the form on the KTP website. You can find it by clicking on the button on the right. If you have any questions, please contact the club secretary at


For registration please prepare:

  • the total of earned points in the table,
  • scans of show judgments and championships earned,
  • a photo of the registered dog.


The owner of the registered dog must be a member of the KTP for the year being evaluated and in the year of publication of the results. In the case of joint ownership, all owners must be members of the KTP in both years.

How do I count my points?

Points are awarded:

  • within the breed assessment only for the highest award achieved at a given exhibition,
  • as part of the placement in the final competitions at the given exhibition, the points are counted
  • Points for national championships are awarded only for championships defined by the cynological organization of the given country or club (SKJ, OEKV, ČMKU, KTP, MEOSZ, …).
  • An International champion according to the FCI is a current International Champion, an International junior Champion and an International veteran Champion.

Examples of scoring

  1. The dog won the following awards in the breed judging: V1, CAC, res. CACIB. The res. CACIB award is taken into account when calculating the points
  2. The dog won the following awards in the breed judging: V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB and in the final competitions: Best in Group 1 and subsequently Best in Show. The following awards: BOB + BIG1 + BIS1 are taken into account when calculating the points. 
  3. The dog won the following awards in the breed judging: V1, CAC, BOJ, BOB and in the final competitions: Junior BIG1 and Junior BIS1 and at the same time BIG1.The following awards: BOB + Junior BIG1 + Junior BIS1 + BIG1 are taken into account when calculating the points.
  4. The dog won a championship of a local organizer (not an official country recognized by the FCI) – for example, Karawanken Winner, Winter Winner, Derby Winner,… No points are awarded for these championships.
  5. The dog won the Show Champion, Puppy Champion, etc. title in Hungary (Slovakia, Slovenia, and other officially recognized countries). The title is officially recognized by the national cynological association and points for it are counted in the results for the dog/bitch of the year..